How should I store my hash? How you store your hash depends on your desired outcome. Hash and rosin are complex substances with various attributes to preserve or enhance. While I can't provide a universal storage solution, I can explain storage factors and potential outcomes to consider when selecting a storage solution.

If I am trying to preserve my product as it was when packaged, I will select a zero headspace or inert headspace environment and a temperature that promotes the material remaining in its current state. Cold temperatures decrease solubility and promote separation. Additionally, they slow down chemical reactions. Warmer temperatures accelerate molecular movement, influencing texture and increasing solubility. Finding the ideal temperature balance to maintain specific textures is crucial. Due to the complex and varied nature of hash and rosin, custom storage solutions may be necessary.

What is headspace?  Headspace is the area above your material inside the container.  If there is head space not occupied by gases from the volatiles that head space will continue to fill up with gases from the volitiles until that space is saturated.  Once that space is fully occupied volatiles will stay in the matrix.  When you open the container those molecules go into the surrounding air and when the container is capped more volatiles can enter that head space.  Each time the container is opened it promotes more volatile loss.  Reducing the headspace in the container will help retain volatiles in your hash or rosin.